K-6 Assembly 16 May 2018

The Kinder-Year 6 Assembly was held on Wednesday 16 May. It was an exciting assembly, particularly for our Kinder students as it was the first assembly they have attended this year. As usual, the assembly was full of student work and achievement.

Year 1 did an amazing job performing a song that they have been learning in Japanese about being in Year 1. Starting Year 1 is a very special time for students in Japan and our Year 1’s were able to share this celebration with us.

Student participation in the Mathletics Competition (pictured left) was recognised, as well as congratulating Zoe Swan and Sophie Ransley for their winning entries in the Tasmanian Harmony Day Competition.

The winners of our School Wheelie Bin Sticker Competition were announced and students were able to see the large stickers that have been produced based on the winning designs (pictured right). These stickers will be placed onto bins around the K-6 area.

Bucket Filler Awards were presented to complete our Term 1 Empower Focus.

Our Expectation Focus this term is on Being Responsible and Being a Learner and certificates were presented to students demonstrating these qualities in each class. Congratulations to all students who received awards.

Our next K-6 Assembly is on Wednesday 30 May in the Savio Centre at 1.45pm and families are always welcome to attend.

You can read a list of Certificate awardees in our newsletter .

You can see more photos on our gallery: K-6 assembly.

Mrs Allison Lowe - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care