K-6 assembly 14 June

What a great start to the assembly we had with Ms Attuoni's Year 2 class beautifully conducted the opening prayer.

After the National Anthem, Mrs Kinne reminded everyone to work hard and keep trying to do better with their education. She was very proud of how much improvement was shown by students each term.

Solomon and Andrea talked about Refugee Week, and Mrs Lowe presented students with Kindness Certificates - with just one to a student in each class.

Mrs McGee and the Year 3 students showed a powerpoint of their interesting recent science excusion. Mrs Lowe presented the special 'We are respectful' Certificates.

Mr Golding announced the 64 members of the cross country team (eight for each year) and brought out the whole team to receive their badges and his congratulations.

Mrs Cunningham 's reading Ambassadors spoke about the Premier's reading Challenge, then students spoke about the Mini-Vinnies hot chocolate fund raiser.

Mrs Cunningham and Mrs Doyle also presented 'We are learners' Certificates to the very worthy recipients.

We concluded with the school song. Our Year 6 Captains and Vice-captains did a great job of hosting the assembly again. Congratulations to Kitean, Hannah, Noah and Keitan.

You can see more photos on our website gallery: K-6 assmbly 14 June.

You can see a list of those students awarded certificates in our newsletter: .