Junior Neighbour Awards

Last Friday 4 December, six students attended Glenorchy City Council’s Junior Neighbourhood Award presentstion to receive their awards from old scholar, Ms Jan Dunsby.

These students had been nominated by their teachers because of their outstanding effort and commitment and should feel extremely proud of their efforts.

Well done to Ursula Harris, Kelsea Cano, Charlotte McKinlay-Geeves, Chloe Howells, Noah Reardon and Callum Kelly, who have demonstrated enthusiasm for learning, community spirit, initiative and a positive commitment to all aspects of school life.

Thank you also to Mrs Jane Doyle for attending the event with the students. Thank you also to families who attended.

These awards are supported by Rotary, Junior Neighbourhood Support, Glenorchy City Council and Tasmania Police.

Ms Katherine Hewitt - Pastoral Care Coordinator K-6