Junior dancers perform

We would like to congratulate our Junior Dance group on a fabulous performance on Wednesday in our K-6 assembly. What a wonderful effort from all our students who have worked incredibly hard to learn all the steps and put the routine together in such a short time.

Thank you to our parents and families for your on-going support and encouragement for our Junior Dance program in Term 1 and 2.

We have had an absolute ball working with our students in developing their skills and knowledge of dance.

The students have been a joy to work with and we appreciate you giving them this opportunity to participate. They have worked very well together to learn choreography, practice steps each week, count music and cooperate with one another. Students have developed their social skills, team-work and acquisition of dance.

We are now asking for expressions of interest to join our Junior Dance group for Term 3 and 4.

If you would like your child to continue/discontinue dance, please email Miss Venettacci or Miss Carver as soon as possible. We would like to collate our numbers over the next few weeks, so that we are ready to begin dance in Term 3.

We will have our final dance class with our current group on Tuesday 5 June and we look forward to meeting our new group in Term 3.

Thank you again for your continuous support,

You can see more photos from the assembly and the performance on our gallery: K-6 assembly.

Miss Christina Venettacci and Miss Madelyn Carver - Prep & Year 1 Teachers