Junior dance fun!

Junior dance has started! We had our first lesson this week and what a great success it was as we introduced dance to 38 young dancers from Prep to Year 2.

On Tuesday, we introduced students to the role of improvisation and allowed students to use expressive movement to present a dance, which communicated ideas to their peers.

Next term we will introduce a number of skills to our students. Our goal for Term 2 is to develop students’ confidence and self-esteem by performing some of the skills they have learnt to a wider audience later in the year.

Students will become aware of their bodies and learn about movement throughout the term. Students will begin to explore space, time, dynamics and relationships. They will experiment with simple, technical and expressive movement, which involves learning basic choreography.

We were so excited to see such fabulous enthusiasm from our Prep-Year 2 students during our first dance lesson on Tuesday.

Miss Venettacci and Miss Carver - Dance Coordinators