Jaoan Study Tour 2019

On Saturday 6 April, 10 very excited Year 9 and 10 students, Aran sensei and Mr Casni met at Hobart Airport at 4.30am to venture off to Japan for the 2019 Japanese Study Tour.

There was a great deal of excitement in anticipation of the jam-packed itinerary to visit one of the most beautiful countries in the world and to learn more about their culture and lifestyle.

Below is a snapshot of some of the wonderful experiences that we had, with our first stop being Kyoto after arriving at Osaka International Airport:

Our next stop was the beautiful Gion district where we were able to experience a traditional tea ceremony. It was great to experience such amazing customs. Harry Breslin, Year 9

The train rides between destinations were fun and once we explored all the different subways and found our way to a restaurant for lunch, we were again impressed with the food. It was amazing and the staff were so kind, so much that they gave our tables a free serve of octopus to cook on the hot plate. Doyle Browning, Year 10

When we got to Nara we caught a bus to the great Buddha temple, then had lunch in Nara Park with the deer. A deer came over and nosed around for some food. Some people brought some special deer biscuits to feed them. We had lots of good laughs here. Even fukurou san got a selfie with a deer! Brielle Cusack, Year 9

We caught a tram to the Peace Museum and we had a look at the stories and testimonials of people who were impacted by the atomic bomb blast. We then visited the eternal flame and hung up our paper cranes. We also found the Bell of Peace and took some time there to offer our personal prayers for peace in our world. Aidan Dwyer, Year 9

While in Miyajima we explored Itsukushima-jinja (shrine) and surrounding shops. We then took a cable car up to Mt Misen were we hiked around the shrines until reaching the top. The surroundings and views were amazing! Connor Fewkes, Year 9

First we had a lovely tour around Shizuoka Salesio College and were greeted with a lovely assembly and amazing performances by Years 5 and 6. We also had to introduce ourselves to the assembly of students and teachers. Overall, the home stay experience was wonderful and we had a great two days together with out families who I am sure we will keep in touch with for life. Alyssa Grealish, Year 9

On 14 April Aidan, Conner, Aran sensei, Casni sensei and I walked from the hotel we were staying at to Shizuoka Catholic Church and took part in a Palm Sunday service. After this, we spent the morning exploring the nice parks and other attractions in Shizuoka. We then went to an arcade call SEGA and finally had to make our way to the train station. We said our farewells to our friends at Salesio College in the afternoon and made our way by bullet train to Tokyo. Jack Howard, Year 10

Overall, everyone had a fun day at Disneyland and bought lots of souvenirs and ate hot dogs, popcorn and enjoyed all the rides. My favourite rides were the big thunder railroad and the star tours and the whole day way something we will always remember. Eli Morrison, Year 10

Our time in Tokyo will always be very memorable. We went exploring in Harajuku, a more modernised area of Japan. After that, the group went to get lunch at a nearby restaurant called Red Rock. Once lunch was finished, we made our way to the Tepia Advanced Technology Gallery, a gallery that showcased lots of different technology such as robots. It was very interactive and intriguing. Dylan Kay, Year 10

The trip was full of fun and surprises. Thank you Casni sensai and Allan sensai. We will always remember the tour, the great learning that took place and the life long friendships that have been formed. Isabelle Selby, Year 9

Congratulation to all students on a wonderful trip. You represented our Dominic community very well and we would take you away again in a flash.

A huge thank you to Mrs Belinda Kumashiro for all her excellent work in planning the itinerary and supporting us through the journey.

We strongly encourage all students who may be interested in the 2021 tour to start planning and saving now. You will not regret visiting a beautiful country such as Japan and learning about their amazing culture.

Mr Stephen Casni, Mrs Susie Allan and the 2019 Japan Study Tour students