In a jam

The hard-working Parents & Friends Community Fair Committee have been organising the stalls for our Fair for some time now and when they asked K-6 staff to help make the ever-popular Fair jam, the Mamma Margaret Kitchen was all action.

Thank you to everyone who helped after school in the last week of term to get the job done.There was plenty of stirring and purring, and just enough tasting to pronounce the jam "berry good."

For those who miss out on purchasing the jam at the Fair on Friday 3 November, here's the recipe (with thanks to Australian Women's Weekly).

Raspberry Jam

500g frozen raspberries, thawed
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp jamsetta
500g caster sugar, warmed

  1. Place raspberries in a large heavy-based saucepan, Add 2 tablespoons of water and lemon juice. Bring to the boil over moderately high heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes or until the berries are soft.
  2. Combine jamsetta and sugar. Stir sugar mixture into berry mixture. Cook and stir 2 minutes or until sugar dissolves.
  3. Increase heat to moderate. Bring to the boil. Boil uncovered, without stirring for 5 minutes or until jam jells when tested.
  4. Remove pan from heat. Stand for 5 minutes or until bubbles subside. Spoon hot jam into hot sterilised jars; seal while jars are hot. Invert for 2 minutes. Turn upright; cool to room temperature.