Gratitude to volunteers

National Volunteer Week

This week we commemorate National Volunteer Week to acknowledge and give thanks to all the wonderful people in our country to who give up their time to generously help others.

We are most grateful to all our parents, guardians and friends here at Dominic who give up their time each and every week for the service of others: as parent helpers in classrooms, on our excursions, assisting in Mamma Margaret’s Kitchen, coaching sporting teams and many other activities. We give thanks to the students and teachers who also give up their time to help others both in and outside of our community.

The theme this year of “Give a little. Change a lot” helps us to realise the importance of volunteers and how with a little time and contribution many great things can happen and change. God bless all our volunteers at Dominic! Your contributions do not go unnoticed and we thank you sincerely for all that you do.

Working together for common goals is the foundation of a strong school-home partnership. Parents, staff and, indeed, students contribute to the College in many diverse ways that shape both the climate and culture of our school.

High levels of participation and volunteerism by school community members are a characteristic of a positive school climate. People want to contribute because they are wanting to make a difference.

P&F friendship and service

Last Friday night, our Parents & Friends held K-2 and 3-6 discos in the Savio Wing and Oratory Space, through the generous service of a host of parent and teacher volunteers.

The disco was a great example of how community volunteers can work together in friendship and service for a shared goal – the enjoyment of our children.

Without exception all those running the disco commented that working at the disco was an enjoyable experience of both giving and receiving.

Mamma Margaret volunteers

Every K-6 session in our Mamma Margaret Kitchen program features generous parents, carers and grand-parents working actively in the preparation and cooking of our dishes. These volunteers are an essential element of not only running this hands-on nutrition and health program, but a force for a positive school climate.

Sport and Carnival volunteers

Our diverse Sports Program and teams especially could not run without the presence and involvement of wonderful family volunteers. Our Sports games and carnivals have a relaxed and happy atmosphere because of the commitment to volunteerism by our community members. Mr Golding and Ms Farr write about these this week in the newsletter.

All of the research on what makes people happy, highlights that our own sense of worth and sense of value are deeply enhanced by developing and holding a generous heart and willing hands.

Ms Beth Gilligan, ƵƬ Principal, and Mr Stephen Casni, Deputy Principal