Festival of Voices - Tasmania Sings!

At the end of Term 2, students from Year 6 at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ joined with students from thirteen other Choirs to rehearse and perform in Tasmania Sings! as part of the Festival of Voices. A big thank you to our dedicated students for their preparation for and participation in this event - Mihaela Ashby, Addi Davis, Ruby Direen, Charli Geeves, Lucy Harper, Nicholas Hay, Lucy Miller and Isobelle Simpson from 6A; Francheska Dela Cruz from 6B; and Evie Balmforth, Arthur Stoddart, Nabina Thapa and Janelle Vizcarra from 6C.

The Tasmania Sings! program provides school children from around Tasmania the opportunity to work with esteemed conductors on a varied program of choral music. This year, we were privileged to work with Jenny Moon and Paul Jarman. For two days, students workshopped repertoire with the guest conductors, culminating in a performance on Wednesday June 30 at the Federation Concert Hall in Hobart. Our Choir members had worked hard throughout Terms 1 and 2 to prepare five songs; during the Workshops they also learned three additional songs and a variety of warm-ups!

Our Wednesday night performance of one of the songs, ‘2021’ (composed by Sureyya Brennan), was the world premiere! In addition to performing as part of the Combined Choir, students were also lucky to have the opportunity to watch guest Choirs performing, notably Exaudi, a fantastically talented youth choir from Victoria.

There is nothing quite like the sound of children singing together.

Ms Kylie De Calmer

Creative Arts Teacher