Feast Day of our Dominican Saints

This week we celebrated the Feast of our Patrons Saints, Dominic Guzman and Catherine of Siena. ƵƬ is proud of its tradition of Christian education based on the values of the Gospel of Jesus, as embodied and lived by its Patrons.

On this occasion we highlighted the centuries old “Dominican” tradition. (Earlier in the year, we celebrated the “Salesian” tradition). The Dominican tradition emphasises the values of the WORD of God, and of TRUTH, in education; as well as of prayer and contemplation that nourish the witness of Christian life and the active involvement in the service of others.

Students enjoyed quizzes and special activities in class Wednesday morning and then the entire College, Kindergarten through to Year 10 joined together in our Savio Centre for Mass. The liturgy included prayers and readings from students, songs from our choir, a homily from Fr Frank and some words from our Principal, Ms Gilligan. Sr Pam Davis is a vital link to our Dominican past and heritage, and one of the architects of the union of Savio College and Holy Name Convent in 1973 to form ƵƬ. Sr Pam spoke of the mission of the Dominicans to spread the word and was congratulated by the College on this Feast Day occasion.

Following Mass students enjoyed a barbecue lunch (7-10) and salad rolls (K-6) - thank you to staff and family volunteers for their valued assistance.

The College reverted to normal classes after lunch, having made the decision yesterday that our recent cold and wet weather prevented the traditional games on the oval. We expect to run the Dominic Cup games next month in more sunny conditions.

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