Feast Day for our Salesian Saints

College Feast Day – Honouring our Salesian Saints

This week we held the first of our College Feast Days for 2018. It was a magnificent community day for our students and staff - commencing in class groups - having fun, being with friends, then praying together at mass. Sharing a meal and then playing games with each other out on the oval were further highlights.

Our patron and founder, St John Bosco did this with his own students over 150 years ago on special feast days of the Church. The boys at the Oratory would have mass together, go on a walk in the countryside, have a picnic and play games together. Like our students, the boys of the Oratory loved it.

There was a real sense of unity in Don Bosco’s schools and clubs. Like in every group, there were problems and disagreements, but they were never able to disturb the atmosphere of unity, friendship, community and love. We are blessed at Dominic to have this same atmosphere.

Ms Beth Gilligan - ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ Principal

What an amazing day we had on Wednesday to commemorate our Salesian patron saints, Don Bosco and Dominic Savio. The day started with fun buddy activities in K-6, with students playing games, performing magic tricks (just like Don Bosco did), and painting their Kindness Rocks. 7-10 students also painted their rocks and participated in the annual quiz.

We gathered for Mass, then to share a meal together and play games on our oval in true Salesian spirit. My thanks to all students and staff for making the day a fun and memorable one.

Mr Stephen Casni - Deputy Principal

Feast Day 7-10 Quizzes

A much-anticipated activity of our Feast Day celebration is the Academic Quiz. The 7-10 Academic Captains took the lead with organising the event for the morning session. Students were placed in year level house groups and worked collaboratively with their peers.

There were four rounds with categories for General Knowledge, Sports, Creative Arts and Mission. Without resorting to the internet, students had to confer with each other to complete the questions and then race back with their responses to the office to collect the next round. It was wonderful to see our students participating, rushing about and engaging with their peers. Photos are on our gallery: Feast Day Quizzes.

Congratulations to the Academic Captains for running this activity. We can’t wait to find out the results in the coming weeks.

Mrs Ganga Fraser - Coordinator of Teaching & Learning 7-10

Feast Day Mass

On Wednesday we celebrated the lives and great contributions of our patron saints Don Bosco and Dominic Savio. We entered this celebration knowing that we are part of a community that is based on love, friendship and unity in Jesus Christ.

For Don Bosco, he believed that Jesus was the centre of the life of a school. It was through Jesus Christ that the unity was maintained within the school community. As part of our Feast Day, we celebrated by having the Eucharist, the Mass. This was so important for Don Bosco and Dominic Savio, and why it is so important here at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ. It is the sign of unity we all share as sisters and brothers in the Salesian family, and it is also the way unity and community can be maintained.

I would like to thank the students and staff for helping to make our Feast Day Mass so special through their participation and reverence. A special thank you to Fr Lawrie Moate SDB and Fr Greg Chambers SDB who co-concelebrated the Feast Day Mass.

Photos from the Mass are on our gallery: Feast Day Mass.

Student perspective

At the beginning of Term 2, on Wednesday 2 May we celebrated the Feast Day of St John Bosco and St Dominic Savio. It was a day of Mass, celebration and salad rolls!

We started the day in morning pastoral groups by writing a letter of thanks, acknowledging all we have for which we are grateful and how lucky we are to live the way we do. Following morning pastoral group, we broke into year levels and were given a quiz by Mrs Fraser and the Academic House Captains. The quiz had several categories including Sport, General Knowledge and the popular favourite Music, played over the PA.

After the recess break we had Mass, celebrating the stories of Don Bosco and Dominic Savio. Lunch was a delicious salad roll, courtesy of many volunteers. After lunch was the Dominic Day Cup, a series of games on the footy oval, an opportunity to earn points for your House and take home the trophy.

The afternoon was a great time and success for everyone involved, and this year the 7-10 and 3-6 Cups went to Savio House. A big thank you to all teachers who set up the day, including Mrs Fraser, Mrs McMahon, Mrs Webb and Miss Farr.

Jak Gutteridge - Guzman Academic Captain 7-10

Dominic Day Cup

On Feast Day afternoon this week, we held the annual Dominic Day Cup, which saw Savio House take out the trophies. We were blessed with excellent weather on the day, allowing our students and staff to participate in a variety of novelty events and activities.

Points were awarded to House groups at each station, with the final 7-10 results: 1st Savio, 2nd Bosco, 3rd Siena and 4th Guzman. 3-6 results were: 1st Savio, 2nd Bosco, 3rd Guzman and 4th Siena.

Thank you to students and staff for their efforts and participation – a great afternoon was had by all!

Photos from 3-10 and from K-2 activities are on our website gallery.

Miss Kiera Farr - Sport Coordinator