Ellie Newland, emerging artist

Arts Profile: Ellie Newland

Which Creative Arts subjects have you taken at ƵƬ?
Three, including Drama, Music and Visual Art. Although I thoroughly enjoyed Music and Drama, I continued Visual Art due to my stronger passion for sculpting, painting and drawing.

What are you currently working on in visual art?
This term we are in the process of printmaking and I am currently working on an etching named “Overgrown,” which is the second piece to a series named, “The Fertile Mind.” Throughout this series of artworks I will illustrate how the mind works from youth to old age.

What materials and methods do you love working with?
I have been working with graphite since I was young, so I have been able to learn and fully experience how it works, therefore I am more comfortable with this material. I like working with simple materials as it allows me to concentrate on my artwork and connect with it more instead of focusing on what I’m using. I am currently trying to expand my skill set by using other methods, such as painting, printmaking and sculpting. I love playing with all materials but the classic grey lead pencil will always remain my favourite.

What is the best thing about creating your own work?
Having complete freedom. I am in love with art because it grants you the ability to create your own world. You can help characters fall in love, conquer their fears, or even help them grow. It’s special because it resonates with people. Knowing that the sky is not the limit and having endless possibilities makes this process thoroughly enjoyable.

Are you going to pursue art in your future studies?
I am definitely going to pursue art in college and in university to further my technical skill and knowledge of the arts.

What would you say to younger students starting in the Creative Arts?
Don’t approach art as a mathematical equation, only having one solution. Art is anything you want it to be, you have complete freedom to express yourself. Be loose and widen your boundaries. Experimentation is the best way to find out what you’re passionate about. Never question your ideas, simply create.