DOSA ready for Round 1

The Old Scholars Football Association has released the 2017 roster, and DOSA hosts University in a huge Round 1 fixture at the TCA.

Snowy - old scholar Brendan Loveless - plays his 363rd game for DOSA, breaking the record previously held by the great Tom Jarvis.

The team has been prepared well by the coaching staff, with good practice games in the last few weeks against Claremont, and Hobart.

New DOSA Football Club President, old scholar Luke Golding, said Thursday night's game was a beauty.

'A solid hit out tonight against Hobart, with the seniors retaining the Tye Bennett shield by 1 point and the young mosquito fleet in the reserves putting in a great performance to get a comfortable victory. Bring on round 1!'

Everyone is invoted to celebrate with Snowy and the team. the seniors game starts at 2.15pm Saturday afternoon 8 April, and will be followed by drinks and meals after the games, plus Saturday night is party night, with entertainment organised in the DOSA bar.

You can download a jpg of the roster here: