ƵƬ presents Steve Biddulph

ƵƬ in collaboration with the ƵƬ Parents & Friends is very proud to present 'An Evening with Steve Biddulph'.

We have been very lucky to secure Steve Biddulph as a guest speaker at our College. He will be presenting his world famous presentation on Raising Boys at the College on Wednesday 11th April at 7:30pm.

Steve Biddulph is one of the world’s best known parent educators. A psychologist for 30 years, he is now retired but continues to write and teach. His books, including The Secret of Happy Children, Raising Boys, The New Manhood and now 10 Things Girls Need Most are in four million homes and 31 languages. They have influenced the way we look at childhood and especially the development of boys and men.

Steve’s live talks have had a remarkable public response, reaching 130,000 people. Many people express surprise at how moving and emotional these talks are, as well as how much fun.

This is a ticketed event for parents, staff and friends of the College. Cost of the tickets is normally $25.00 per person, but the ƵƬ Parents & Friends and the College have agreed to subsidize tickets for our parents by $5.00 each, therefore tickets are $15.00.

This is a fantastic opportunity for our entire ƵƬ Community. Many of Steve's teachings have been incorporated into our EMPOWER program and we believe this will be an amazing learning opportunity for all families.

“We regret babies and children are not admitted to the talks”.

Tickets can be purchased from the following link:

If you would like to see the flyer about Steve's presentation please click the link below:

I hope to see you all there.

Andrew Pritchard, Director of Pastoral Care K-10