Children's author, Sarah Brennan, at Dominic.

On Monday and Tuesday this week, ƵƬ was privileged to welcome and learn from children’s author Sarah Brennan.

A Tasmanian who lives, writes and publishes in Hong Kong, Sarah currently has 12 children’s picture books available. Her books are written in verse and illustrated by Harry Harrison, who is principal cartoonist with the South China Morning Post.

The main subject matter of Sarah’s books is perfect for the Asian curriculum focus of our K-6. Her books tell important stories in an amusing and interesting format that open Chinese history and culture for readers.

A fun way to learn about China Sarah’s most popular series called, The Chinese Calendar Tales, focuses each book on a character from the Chinese Zodiac. One of her books, The Tale of Pin Yin Panda, tells the story of how the 12 Zodiac animals gained their places, in a race organised by Lord Buddha. It also explains why there is no Panda in that Zodiac.

The latest in this series, The Tale of Ming Kee Monkey, celebrates the Chinese Year of the Monkey this year. Sarah has three more Zodiac characters to write about to complete the series.

The benefits of an author’s visit to the College
The wonderful thing about having an author visit our school community is that they can provide students with their own interpretation of their books.

An author’s reading performance gives an insight that is not possible just from reading the book or reading about the book. In her Prep-Year 6 workshop sessions, Sarah communicated an amazing love of her characters, as well as a love for the culture, history and beauty of China. Sarah has a great sense of humour and built rapport and an atmosphere of respectful and excited attention with her audiences.

The Tale of Run Run Rat
In her workshops, Year 2 students for example, were entertained by The Tale of Run Run Rat, which was written for the Year of the Rat, and coincided with the Beijing Olympics.

Some Year 2 students made a large rat for the display, which Sarah really loved. Sarah was impressed by our students. She described our students as engaged, dynamic, great listeners and totally hooked on books!

Sarah encouraged all students to read and listen; to shut their eyes and imagine, to get outside and make their own adventures, and spend as much time as possible away from “screens”, and above all to “do and experience” for themselves.

Creative Writing Elective Class meet the author.
Year 9/10 Creative Writing class students had a special workshop with Sarah on Tuesday.

Sarah focused on taking a book from concept to publication and included tips for the students on how to go about choosing ideas that ‘sell’. Students got to see Sarah’s work in its draft state and the steps she takes each time she writes a new book.

Highlights for our own budding writers were, seeing the rough drafts of illustrations, the cutting and printing process and learning the business side of writing books. Sarah also explained how difficult it can be to work in the ever changing role of writer and publisher. Many students were surprised to learn the impact that books such as the Harry Potter series have had on less well known writers and how competitive the industry now is as a result.

With Sarah Brennan’s advice at the forefront of their process, Year 9/10 Creative Writing students will now be developing and writing their own picture book. Having Sarah Brennan visit this week was a terrific experience for us at ƵƬ. It was a treat for every one as we strive to be great writers!

Christine Donnelly, College Librarian, and Jessica Brownrigg, Year 9/10 Creative Writing Teacher