Carols at Twilight

As another active and successful academic year came to an end, the ƵƬ community gathered in the Tolosa Park Reserve to celebrate Christmas with the inaugural College Carols at Twilight event.

The occasion was attended by hundreds of Dominic students, their families, and friends, and was a time to reflect on the wonderful year, celebrate the festive season, and look towards the future together.

Festive costumes and the buzz of excitement and anticipation filled the crowd as each year group of students led one of the community carols.

“As a Catholic College, Christmas is a significant celebration for our community,” said ƵƬ Principal, Ms. Beth Gilligan. “We are delighted to provide opportunities for families to come together in the spirit of peace, hope, and friendship. It represents who we are as a school community.”

The evening’s musical performances included the College choirs and school bands, accompanied by musicians from the Derwent Valley Concert Band. Ms. Gilligan said that the College’s partnership with the Derwent Valley Concert Band continued to strengthen each year.

“Our music students are thrilled to play as a band alongside members of the Derwent Valley Concert Band as this stretches their collective capabilities, enriches student performance experience and creates a great sound.”

The College is hoping that the Carols at Twilight event will become an annual community tradition for ƵƬ.