Cagliero Volunteers called

Volunteer Opportunities for English Teachers, Youth Workers and Youth Ministers

The Cagliero Project is an initiative of the Australia-Pacific Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco, providing overseas volunteer experiences for Australians who wish to work with disadvantaged young people.

We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers for January 2020 departure. Our volunteers placements run for 6-12 months and are centered around working with young people in educational settings. We have multiple volunteers opportunities throughout Cambodia, Samoa, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.

We aim to utilise the skills and talents of our volunteers in order to provide the best possible contribution to the host community. Our aim is not to ‘help’ but to walk in solidarity with young people and for volunteer and host to have a mutual learning experience. We are also present in host communities to be role models - people that young people can aspire to be.

Cagliero volunteers commit themselves to working in the ‘Salesian way’. This means that young people are the central focus in all work. The Salesian way also means approaching life in a joyful way with a loving heart. The experience as a Cagliero volunteer is not about the volunteer, but is focused on the people we go to serve. However, serving as a Cagliero volunteer will probably be the most rewarding thing you ever do!

For more information, or to send us an inquiry, follow this link: or email: lhichaaba@salesians.org.au Applications close October 15, 2019

Ms Lauren Hichaaba, Director of the Cagliero Project