Big Creative Arts events coming up this term

There are some exciting events happening in the Creative Arts Department in Term 2.

Senior Drama students have begun working on a production of AFTERSHOCKS, a verbatim theatre piece about the Newcastle earthquake which occurred on 28 December, 1989. The play focuses upon the people who were at the Newcastle Workers Club. It is a complex and demanding undertaking. Performances will be in The Oratory Space mid-term.

The 5/6 Choir will again be participating in Festival of Voices in June, along with a selected Year 7-9 students who have been especially chosen to sing in the Festival of Voices Youth Choir. The choirs will be performing at the Federation Concert Hall under the direction of Richard Gill on Thursday 30 June.

Year 8 Dance will be competing at the Hobart Dance Eisteddfod in the last week of term. The class have begun work on their piece and are very much looking forward to the event.

The Dominic House Theatresports competition will once again be a happening on the last day of term. This year, House Teams will receive training from Theatresports staff.