Bell Shakespeare at ƵƬ

Last Friday it was great to join Year 9 English students for a presentation by the Bell Shakespeare called ‘Shakespeare is Dead.’

The three-member company visiting Hobart explored with us why Shakespeare’s plays are still being performed 400 years after his death. It was a fabulous and interactive journey staged in our Oratory Space, exploring iconic characters, Shakespearean language, plot devices and themes and the society in which Shakespeare’s plays were written, performed and watched.

The content was excellent, the three actors wonderful and audience engagement high. The show was fast-paced and fun and exactly the kind of stimulating learning experience we want for our English students.

I would like to acknowledge our Head of English 7-10, Mrs Jan Marcenko who planned this experience for our students and Mr Mike O’Brien who managed it during Mrs Marcenko’s Long Service Leave to Canada.

One of Bell Shakespeare’s goals is to prove that “Shakespeare and the great works are not an end in themselves but a means by which we can explore our most heartfelt concerns and aspirations.” This is certainly one of the reasons why we study Shakespeare at Dominic.

Mrs Marcenko has drafted a plan for how we can continue to grow and develop our students’ interactions with the works of Shakespeare over the next few years. It is an exciting vision and I look forward to the 7-10 English Faculty considering and implementing the plan.

Ms Beth Gilligan - College Principal