Aftershocks - excellent senior drama performance

Molly Woolley, actress and Siena Creative Arts Captain, said the 2016 senior drama performance ‘Aftershocks’ was a huge success for all involved.

'The students who took part in the performance have received some impressive feedback regarding the performance after each show,' Molly said.

'Both casts did an amazing job in undertaking such serious and challenging roles; each individual really stepped into their characters and brought the stories of those affected to life in a touching way and managed to shed some light with charismatic humour along the way.'

Molly thought the opportunity to take part in the ‘Aftershocks’ production allowed students as performers to explore a different dramatic form and extend and stretch their abilities and skills.

She pointed out that one great thing about having the two casts was the opportunity to work with more students.

'Each person has different abilities and skill which have come together and created a great performance,' Molly said. 'On behalf of the cast we want to thank everyone involved in making the performance such a big success, especially all the support from parents, family, friends, staff, students, the wider Dominic community and, in particular, Mr O’Brien.'

Director of Creative Arts K-10, Mr Mike O'Brien, was impressed with the way students matured in their performance skills.

'It was gratifying to see all our students extending themselves with such tough material, and so successfully stepping into the shoes of those people who experienced this devastating event. They all deserves our admiration.'

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